If you are a regular blogger or copywriter, poet or essayist, educator or consultant – you probably find yourself, like me, writing all the time. Projects. Lists. Instructions. Presentations. Speeches. Lately, though you may be experiencing a new sense of urgency.
For me, nothing much changes when I “work at home.” I may use a different chair or a different desk but that computer screen is right there, poised to welcome my every key stroke!
I’m finding it tough to break away from the computer, actually.
The virus has given me a new sense of urgency.
Oh yes, I take a few minutes to move wet laundry into the dryer. I clean off the counter in the bathroom, with special attention to the faucet handles. After that, though, it’s back to my desk – to answer a few emails from friends, or draft a message to the volunteers of our Neighborhood Emergency Response Group who are making daily check-in calls.
And without a pause I find myself again adding to one of my current manuscripts. Even though . . .
I have already published another book on Amazon, just this week!
It’s the next title in our mini-series – a collection of short books, fast reads in question-and-answer format, each focused on just one aspect of emergency preparedness.
We began the series early this year, before the Coronavirus really got started. As it turns out, this simplified Q&A format fits perfectly with the way my brain is working lately – slightly disjointed, moving from one topic to another.
At any rate, may I introduce to you . . .
(drum roll)

Latest in the Emergency Preparedness Q&A Mini-Series!
Our goal with this series is to make it easier for people to think – and take action – to improve their preparedness for emergencies. Surely, this COVID-19 disaster has shown us how ill-prepared the country as a whole was for something so dramatic and wide-spread. We are still struggling to find a cohesive, concerted plan to combat it.
The virus has made individuals rethink their own personal situation, too, with what I hope is a new sense of urgency.
Whether it’s supplies of grocery staples, or the basic painkillers or cold remedies we always want to have available, or a desperate worry about running out of toilet paper, the order to stay-at-home has pressed some sort of “reset” button.
I’d like to think that we’ll remember this, and take action now so we will be less desperate because we are more prepared next time an emergency hits.
Now, you probably still have running water, and all the conveniences of electricity, cell-phone communications, and of course whatever you use for writing. So you probably aren’t really concerned today about safely managing human waste — Pee ‘n Poop.
But if an earthquake hits, or a tornado threatens, or a hurricane begins to form . . . Will you know what to do if you can’t use the toilet?
What else do you want to become more expert at?
Check out all the booklets we’ve completed so far, here at our website: https://emergencyplanguide.org/books I am confident you will find some of what you need to answer that question in the gold box!
Your Emergency Plan Guide team
P.S. I say “we.” That refers to me and my partner Joe. He tends to have the ideas and the questions for these current materials. I tend to do the research and the writing. It works pretty well!
P.P.S. Oh, and if there is a title you’re really like to see on the list, but it isn’t there yet, let me know! We have 15 total on the drawing board – yours may be coming soon, or we could add a new one, just for you!
April — Month of Action
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