Eager to take another look at your personal level of preparedness? Ready to consider the advantages of engaging more people around you? You can’t go wrong with any of the titles in our flagship Neighborhood Disaster Survival Guide Series!

We believe preparedness starts with the community. YOUR community.
When an emergency hits, it’s the person next to you who will be able to help. How much help you get — or how much you can give — depends on the awareness and training in the community.
Each of the four “communities” books starts with the challenges, and the advantages, of that type of community. There’s a book for people living in multi-family residences (apartments or condos), mobile homes in a park, single family residences, or working in a small business.
*If you’re asking why we include small business as a community, the answer is simple. Over 80% of all jobs are provided by small business. When a business faces an emergency or disaster, it impacts everyone!
Being prepared doesn’t happen overnight.
Your book takes time to guide you through three main steps, (1) understanding your own family or team, (2) expanding to include neighbors or partners, and then (3) building a plan to KEEP the entire neighborhood or business community as safe as possible.
Each book and each section of the Survival Guide Series pulls on established resources. As you would expect, they include FEMA, CERT, Red Cross, etc. Perhaps more valuable, though, are our personal experiences and recommendations. Joe and I have been working in the arena of Emergency Preparedness for over 25 years. We’ve headed up our own neighborhood group for much of that time!
Workbooks put theory into action.
People told us they liked the books. But it was still hard to get started! So, we came up with a companion WORKBOOK for each community book!

THE WORKBOOKS help readers overcome procrastination and get started building the Emergency Plan that their community deserves. With focused questions, and plenty of room for answers, it identifies the key risks faced by the community and prioritizes individual and group steps to take to improve resilience.
Emergency Preparedness Meeting Ideas is a time-saver for people planning meetings.

This is a unique collection with over 100 pages of meeting ideas. Each meeting has detailed instructions, diagrams, samples — and a few cautions.
While the Neighborhood books are available as ebooks or in paperback format, the workbooks come in full 8 ½ x 11” size, making it easy to get to work “filling in the blanks.”
All volumes of the Survival Guide Series are available at Amazon. Just use these links to go there directly:
- Emergency Preparedness for Apartment Communities (Click here for THE WORKBOOK)
- Emergency Preparedness for Mobilehome Communities (THE WORKBOOK)
- Emergency Preparedness for Homeowner Communities (THE WORKBOOK)
- Emergency Preparedness for Small Business (THE WORKBOOK)
- Workbook: Emergency Preparedness Meeting Ideas
We’re committed to getting this information out as widely as possible. Do you know a neighborhood or a group that might be able to use multiple copies? Let’s talk.
Virginia and Joe
Your Emergency Plan Guide team
P.S. Thanks to our readers who make comments at our site and take the time to leave reviews at Amazon. Your personal involvement helps us improve our materials and reach more people!