Big Changes Ahead!


Dear Neighbor,

As always, welcome to new neighbors here at Emergency Plan Guide. Our community has been growing slowly and steadily over the past 10 years and I hope everyone has made some smart moves toward being better prepared!

I know that I have! And often, I have made those moves after learning about some new technology or participating in some new activity and writing about it in an Advisory. Can you believe it? I have written well over 600 Advisories, one nearly every single week since 2012!

Today, though, I am announcing a change. For the next few weeks I am going to be taking a deeper dive into some of the BIG CHANGES that are going on around us. Changes that are so big that our usual “smart and sensible steps toward emergency preparedness” just don’t meet the challenge!

Here are just some of the big changes – and the threats –  I have on my list to learn more about:

  • Climate Change and its impact on the weather: more violent hurricanes, unusually high temperatures, flooding where there’s never been flooding before.
  • Financial Stress caused by pandemics, supply chain blockages, the work-from-home phenomenon, a shifting energy supply – and, again, climate change.
  • Political Unrest and the emergence of domestic terrorism that is threatening different segments of our society and, in fact, threatening our whole democratic system.

If there was ever a time for increased “situational awareness,” this has to be it! And as a writer, I feel the pressure to learn more, know more and share it.

You can help! I want to be learning and writing about things YOU care about — big changes or traditional concerns. So can you take just a quick moment and let me know what changes, risks and threats YOU are worried about these days? Or changes you want to know more about because you see them possibly affecting you?

This is by no means a formal survey. But your feedback will help keep me headed in the right direction.

I look forward to your email reply!

Your Emergency Plan Guide team

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