
Thanks for requesting our Updated Business Contingency Plan Checklist.  If there ever were a time to revisit how your business will survive an emergency, this would be it!

Here’s a link to the 4-page PDF, for immediate download.

We’ll also send a follow-up email, to be sure you get what you wanted.

In the meanwhile, we hope you’ll continue to check out our site.  In particular, you may be interested in these

Recent Advisories dealing with workplace safety — a big topic these days.

And if you haven’t seen it yet, this well known training video, still very pertinent:

And, of course, our book about the much larger topic of preparedness for business!  Here’s some more info: Disaster Series adds Title for Small Business

Joe Krueger and Virginia Nicols
Your Emergency Plan Guide Team

P.S. If you have any questions about the Checklist, don’t hesitate to contact us .