I have a favor to ask


A favor for Emergency Plan Guide

Hello Valued Friend!

At Emergency Plan Guide, we’re kept up at night (literally, sometimes!) thinking about how to make everything we write better.

Not better in terms of grammar or vocab, but better at giving you what you are interested in and what you can use to solve your problems.

We’ve learned, though, that what we think you want may be off the mark!

And since we want our site to be as great as it can possibly be, can you do us a favor?

Can you take just two minutes right now to let us know . . .

  1. What kinds of info would you like more of?
  2. What preparedness problems do you face that just WON’T go away?
  3. Any experts you’d like to hear more from?

Or maybe you have a story of your own you’d like to share?

Whatever you can tell us will be a big help as we plan our next articles.

Just jump to our CONTACT US page and write away!  (We’ll keep your reply confidential, of course.)

Thanks so much! We look forward to hearing from you.

Virginia and Joe
Your Emergency Plan Guide team

P.S. Had a 4.4 earthquake here in southern California last night. Parts of the upper Midwest have been hit by torrential downpours and thunderstorms. Hawaii is mopping up after record rainfall from Hurricane Lane – with another storm forming. Stay alert out there!

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