Do you fall into that 45% of Americans (or 32% of Britons) who routinely make New Year’s Resolutions? And how about your success rate? Is it around the average 8%?
“Getting prepared for emergencies” — not typically one of the top 10 resolutions.
But ask anyone if they have done some preparing for emergencies and you’ll invariably get this answer:
“No, I haven’t got around to that, but I really should!”
This year, as we approach Resolution Time, I’m trying to come up with ways to help people get started on what they clearly think is important! And I decided to see if I could use the concepts of Emotional Intelligence to help.
You’ve heard about EI. It was “discovered” in the 90s and continues to be an important business topic three decades later. From what I can tell, EI boils down to “Know thyself, ” and in so doing, you’ll be able to understand others better, too.
Four Emotional Intelligence questions.
Ask yourself these questions, and then ask others.
1-What’s your motivation for putting together a cache of supplies?
We have asked many, many people this first question. There are four or five common answers:
- My wife keeps nagging me
- I know it just makes sense
- Some sort of emergency is inevitable
- Better safe than sorry
What’s your motivation? What’s the motivation of the people you’re trying to convince?
2-How do you respond if you get criticism, resistance, or ridicule?
EVEN WHEN THEY’VE ALREADY AGREED THAT PREPARING MAKES SENSE, most people quit as soon as they get criticism or resistance. It stops ‘em in their tracks!
They then come out with excuses like these:
- If it is my time, then it is meant to be.
- Nothing has happened so far. Why think it could happen in the future?
- There are too many eventualities to prepare for.
- We can’t afford the cost associated with preparing.
- The government will take care of us.
If you’ve spent time on this at all, you know that these “excuses” are just that. But here’s where EI comes in to play.
3-Can you understand the emotions behind the criticism?
Many friends and even family members may discourage you because of their OWN emotions: Do any of them fit you, too?
- They’re guilty they haven’t done any preparing themselves.
- They are embarrassed to admit they wouldn’t know what to do in an emergency.
- They are afraid to think about destruction, pain or death.
If you can identify these emotions, then you will find answers to these emotional barriers. So, the last question.
4-Do you have the skills to manage the situation and inspire support?
Sometimes answering fears and emotions is as simple as first, listening to the person. Then, depending on the situation and the person, you communicate the value of a change in behavior (i.e., taking steps toward emergency preparedness).
Here are some EO inspired approaches about emergency preparedness that may work for you.
- (Show confidence.) You have already made it through some tough situations because you already have basic good sense and resilience. There’s nothing magic about emergency preparedness.
- (Acknowledge conflict) Emergencies happen – but they don’t have to become disasters. You’re likely to live through an emergency. It will be a lot safer and more comfortable is you have some basic supplies and tools.
- (Articulate a simple vision) Maybe you can’t prepare for every single emergency that could arise, but “general preparedness” will help in every situation. Start with a survival kit; you probably already have a number of the items that belong in it.
- (Lead by action) Preparing doesn’t mean making one huge investment in stores of dried food. I started with water and a few food staples – things I already knew and liked – and then added a piece every month or so. Flashlights, glow sticks, rain gear, an emergency radio – they fit my budget and began to fill my kit!
- (Collaboration and team building) As for the government coming to help . . .Katrina, Sandi and more recent floods and storms have shown that in an emergency we can expect to be on our own for at least several days. Neighbors will be our First Responders – and we’ll be theirs. So the better prepared we all are, the safer we all will be.
So to get back to the New Year’s Resolution that started this article,
People who “know themselves” best get the best results with ANY resolution.
Share this article with friends and neighbors. Add to the list of “excuses,”“fears” and “criticisms.” Think what emotions they really represent. ‘With every step, you’ll be understanding yourself better, and be strengthening your Emotional Intelligence.
And you may find that the “Resolution to Get Prepared” will become a reality in 2017!
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