“How did you come up with this group approach to preparedness?”
We’ve worked at helping people get more prepared for over 20 years, first with our own neighbors, then through this website (over 500 Advisories!), and most recently via a series of books.
Most of our effort goes into helping people one at a time. Yes, that’s important. But we are eager to have more of an impact!
So as we got well into our latest series – the Q&A Mini-Series – we realized that the booklets could become a way for a group to work together and get a whole lot more than preparedness ideas. They could actually build community!
“How does Prepare & Share work for a group?”
This is the last booklet in the Mini-Series – but it’s the place for a group to start. It is a guide to attract and engage people around the topic of preparedness – members of an already-existing group or people wanting to build cohesiveness and purpose into their group.
“Shared Leadership” makes this activity unique.
- This isn’t a “course.” It requires neither instructor nor subject matter expert. You can hand the concept to any member of your team and they should be able to run with it!
- Individual participants will be starting wherever they feel is appropriate, sharing only an interest in getting better prepared and helping everyone else be better prepared, too.
- Individual members of the group each take turns facilitating one of the meetings.

It works in person or on Zoom.
The Prepare & Share booklet offers general recommendations for holding effective meetings, and Joe and I stand ready to help groups get up and running. But the heart of the discussion will come from the material in the booklets PLUS personal stories from participants.
We have found over and over again that the more discussion, the more questions and answers, and the more stories that are shared, the more valuable the group experience becomes!
“Who can use Prepare & Share?”
Every group will be different. We imagine the activity working for . . .
- A local church group interested in strengthening relationships among its members or attracting new members
- A troop of high-school aged Girl Scouts eager to master self-reliance skills
- A local chapter of a national service organization (e.g., Rotary) dedicated to improving resilience in their community
- Neighbors wanting to identify threats and preparedness resources for their local neighborhood
- A retirement community looking to add a unique new activity to their slate of ongoing programs
“I’m interested! What’s the best way to get started?”
Do you have a group in mind?
- Take a look at Prepare & Share and a couple of the other booklets in the series. They are all available on Amazon in digital or paperback format – and as inexpensive as we can make them. (Direct links are below.)
- After examining the materials with your group in mind, talk it over with a few other potential group members.
- If you all agree that Prepare & Share will work , drop us an email describing your group and objectives. We’ll send you some additional information and, if appropriate, set up a time to discuss the best way for you to get started. Emergency Plan Guide can, for example, offer a flyer for advertising the formation of the group, sample text for inviting people to join, etc.
We think this is important information and we want your group to be successful! Don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you have any question at all.
Direct links for getting started with Prepare & Share:
- Paperback Prepare & Share at Amazon
- Kindle version Prepare & Share
- Back to the whole list of Mini-booklets to decide which to review
- Send us an email: https://EmergencyPlanGuide.org/contact/
Your Emergency Plan Guide team
P.S. One of the most significant aspects of the coronavirus has been loss of friendships and everyday contact. Using Prepare & Share as a group activity can help offset that loss, while giving valuable information to everyone involved. A win-win!