Getting prepared for emergencies isn’t exactly simple.
- Have you ever been overwhelmed with everything there is to do when it comes to prepping for emergencies?
- Is it a constant battle to get others in your family – or your neighborhood — to support your efforts?
- Do you worry that there is so much to think about that you’ve missed some essentials?
Could a few short lists make prepping easier for you?
Would you welcome a few simple preparedness QUESTIONS & ANSWERS? How about some short lists with actions you can complete easily, check off and feel like you’ve accomplished something?
We have heard from a lot of people that YES, they are always looking for something simpler and easier to help them keep on track.
So here at Emergency Plan Guide we are now in the planning stage for something new. Introducing the soon-to-appear . . .
Emergency Preparedness Q&A Mini-Series
Imagine a collection of slim booklets, or mini-books. Each mini-book sticks to one preparedness topic. Each has 15 or so questions on the topic, with short answers. (Naturally, there will be optional links to more resources.) There will be room to take notes if you can’t check everything off the first time through the booklet.
Which topics would be on YOUR short list?
Below are the topics we’ve come up with so far. Can you give us a hand and let me know which FIVE topics you would like to see first given where you are in your own state of preparedness? You can just drop the 5 numbers into the comments below, or send me an email, whichever you prefer. Naturally, if there’s a topic you’d like to see but it’s not listed here, just add it to your answer.
- Pre-Disaster Planning
- Storing Food & Water
- Emergency Water Treatment
- Prescriptions, Medications & First Aid
- Securing Appliances & Furniture Against Earthquake
- Home Improvements for Increased Safety
- Shelter Alternatives
- Ready to Evacuate
- Avoiding Mistakes in Preparing
- Emergency Communications
- Preparing Your Car for Emergencies
- Emergency Cash Options
- Dealing with Power Outages
- Go-Bag Options & Alternatives
- Disposing of Waste Matter
- Protecting Important Documents
- Emergency Clothing
- Sanitation & Personal Hygiene
- Self-Defense Considerations
- Firearms & Alternatives
- Insuring Against Losses
- Makeshift Toilet
- Flashlights, Lighting & Batteries
- Getting Neighbors Involved
We know you’re serious about preparedness, so we value your response! Can you send your 5 recommendations right now? I’ll be watching for them!
Thank you for reading, and for your input.
Your Emergency Plan Guide Team
P.S. These are just possible topics for the booklets, not the titles. We’re working on titles as you read this!
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Dear Virginia,
We have never talked about emergency toilets, ever. HUH? So that is a topic we are going to cover this spring. Someone has to do it.
We have found that the small meeting, maybe just one street plus captains, at someone’s home works well for keeping folks on track and they turn out for this smaller meetings.
General larger meeting are good for when we have speakers. Good attendance to those too if we have an interesting topic or speaker. i.e. evacuation, fire extinguishers.
About 25 homes max is a good number; often streets are smaller with an average of 18 homes. Any of the above tops is good and questions can be personally answered. Also, it gets people to know their neighbors better. Friday evenings work well. Cookies and de-caf coffee.
Lots of ideas here — indicating you and your team are doing a lot of good work! Yes, getting to know neighbors is really at the core of everything. It’s a lot easier to give a hand — or accept a helping hand from someone you know.