Tag: personal locator beacon

Personal Emergency Communications – Staying In Touch After A Disaster

Personal Emergency Communications

New book!

We’ve been focusing lately on emergency communications for small businesses, knowing that after a disaster, a business will need to be in touch with employee families, with customers and, of course, with employees that may be in distant offices, on the road, etc.

We even put together three short videos for business. You can find out more about them here on the site: https://emergencyplanguide.org/work/Resilient-Business-Videos.

But wait, there’s more on emergency communications!

As you can imagine, the more expert we become about any given technology, the more there is to know! In the spirit of continual learning, Joe picked up a book today and I’d like to recommend it to you.

“Personal Emergency Communications, by Andrew Baze”

The subtitle of this book is “Staying in Touch Post-Disaster: Technology, Gear and Planning.” You’ll find chapters on each. Depending on your level of sophistication and your interest, you may want to skip a couple of them, but the basics are all here.

Baze starts – and finishes – with these four questions.

1. How will you contact anyone if your landline, cell phone and internet connection don’t work?
2. Will you be able to talk with family and friends after a serious emergency or disaster?
3. Do you have a communications section in your personal or family emergency plan?
4. Do you even have a family emergency plan?

By the end of the book, if you take action as Baze recommends, you’ll be far closer to answering these questions with a “Yes.”

Some highlights from the book.

Some of what you’ll read has been covered several times in Emergency Plan Guide Advisories. But there are some areas we haven’t really spent time on, such as the use of CB radios and Personal Locator Beacons. (You can expect more from us on both of these!) And Baze captures your attention with some very dramatic stories.

We were particularly struck by Baze’s recommendations for what he calls “Your Calling Clock.” That’s a plan for WHEN to try to reach others in an emergency, such as from 5 minutes before to 10 minutes past the hour. His sample Calling Clock plans are really good ones, particularly for a family that is likely to be spread out when disaster hits.

You can get the book from Amazon by clicking the link below. It’s $10.79 as a softbound, and less than $4 in the Kindle version. (I always prefer to have the book in my hands so I can highlight or underline and flag certain pages.)

Personal Emergency Communications: Staying in Touch Post-Disaster: Technology, Gear and Planning

Let us know your thoughts about it!

Virginia Nicols
Your Emergency Plan Guide Team