Tag: Q&A Mini-series

I need more reviews. Can you help?

Write a review for my book.

Dear Reader,

The last few weeks have been so terribly distracting. This morning, though, I got some really good news.

When I checked my Kindle author’s account at Amazon I saw that several copies of our latest book were purchased, right in the middle of all that is going on.

THANK YOU to everyone who bought a book this week – or whenever you bought one! You are helping support our mission of preparedness. And you’re keeping my enthusiasm up for the hard work that goes into it!

And now I have a favor to ask.

As you know, when people shop at Amazon, many look closely at the reviews. But of course, most buyers don’t leave reviews. I need more reviews on all my books!

If you have bought one of our books, I would really appreciate it if you could please click at your book below and leave a review.

The links go right to the “Leave a review” form. (You do have to have spent $50 at Amazon in the past year to get your review published.) Your review can be just a few words. Or you can write a longer commentary about the book and how it fits with the work you do. Everything is legitimate and will help others make their own decisions . . . in many cases decisions that could change their lives.

Thank you for helping!

Our Q&A Mini-Series


Short Questions and Answers around one particular topic, designed to review your progress and stimulate your thinking.

We continue to add new titles every month or so. (Coming up next — Personal Safety and Save Your Pet)

Shelter in Place – Our newest mini-book, pretty timely, don’t you agree?

Pre-Disaster Plan – The “big picture” of why and how we prepare.

Pee ‘n Poop! Not exactly my favorite, but right up there in importance:

Emergency Communications – We use radios and walkie-talkies nearly every day at home and in our neighborhood group.

Custom Go-Bags – Always worth another look because everyone needs a slightly different bag.

Emergency Cash – Aspects and options you may not have considered.

Evacuate! There’s no time to prepare when your hear this word!

Car Emergency Kit – Anything can happen when you’re on the road!

Power Outage – No need for this common emergency to become a disaster.

Prepare Your Home for Earthquake – Not just in California.

Our Flagship Series

Neighborhood Disaster Survival Guide Series

for Organizing your Home AND your Community

Each of these books has an accompanying workbook for those folks who find it hard to get started or want help to stay on track. (The workbooks also lend themselves to working with a group.)

Emergency Preparedness for Apartment and Condo Communities

Emergency Preparedness for Mobilehome Communities

Emergency Preparedness for Homeowner Communities

Emergency Preparedness for Small Business

Emergency Preparedness
Meeting Ideas

Emergency Preparedness Meeting Ideas

My favorite because it brings back memories of so many great meetings!

Review here: http://www.amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=1072342820

Thank you again. If you enjoyed a book, it would mean the world to me if you left a review. Your comments help spread our shared preparedness message to more and more people.

Your Emergency Plan Guide team