Need some ideas for planning neighborhood meetings?
Below is a list of 15 emergency training topics.
And they’re not just mine.

Get expert training for your team.
As you know, I’ve had a Google Alert set up for a while. Actually, two of them, one for “Emergency Preparedness” and one for “Disaster Recovery.” I get about 10 alerts a day about what’s happening around the country.
Most of the alerts are press releases mentioning a person who’s been hired for a new position.
But others announce trainings. Take a look at the following list that I collected in just the last two weeks!
- Dump catches fire
- Airport Emergency Plan
- Snow Emergency Plan
- Snow Emergency Route Plan
- Test of Emergency Sirens
- Training on Emergency Apps
- Hospital Ground Zero for Shooter Drill
- Committee moves toward oil disaster preparedness
- National Hurricane Conference Announces Amateur Radio Sessions for 2014:
- Indiana University says glitch found during test of emergency alert system has been fixed
- Catawba Nuclear Power Plant tests terrorism
- Local, state officials advise: Prepare for flooding
- State, feds to create tsunami strategy guides for Calif. harbors
- Attleboro, state emergency agencies plan to offer booklets in Braille
- Chemical safety becomes focus of neighborhood watch
Which of these might be helpful for your community?
Track down a “guest expert” for your neighborhood group.
Prepare with a few “talking points.”
- Jot down a few bullet points about what you’re looking for: topic, length of presentation, where, dates available.
- Be ready to describe your audience: how many of them, ages and circumstances.
- Then get on the phone:
- Call the Police Department or Fire Department to find out whom they would recommend.
- Call the local Red Cross office, same question.
- Is there a college or university in town? A strategic all to their administrative offices might lead you to your speaker.
This isn’t a complete list, by any means. But if others are getting this specialized training, why shouldn’t you?! All it takes is persistence.
Last month our group had a guest speaker on earthquakes.
Timely, too. In just the past 24 hours we’ve had three of them here in Southern California!
Preparedness is awareness. Let a good guest speaker raise the level of awareness in YOUR neighborhood.
What would be first on YOUR list if you could get an expert? Let us know your thoughts!
Virginia Nicols
Your Emergency Plan Guide Team
And if you are having any difficulty finding that speaker, contact me and we can brainstorm together. I’ve been “programs chair” for lots of different organizations!
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