Lists for Active Preppers and Leaders
The Good Stuff from CERT and NERT
Over the years Joe and I have been involved in both CERT and NERT training. CERT is Community Emergency Response Team training, a course and refreshers offered by our city. NERT is our informal Neighborhood Emergency Response Team, with its own unofficial and customized training.
At both CERT and NERT get-togethers we end up sharing ideas for useful supplies and gear, and, of course, ideas for how to stay on track. We’ve documented many of these conversations and trainings in the over 200 Advisories here at Emergency Plan Guide.
Since I have been getting requests for one list or another, I thought I’d just bundle a few of them together in one place for easy reference. So . . .
Here are 7 popular lists for individual and family survival kits.
They should all sound familiar to you!
(Follow the links to get to each Advisory.)
- Essential supplies for the Go-Bag or 72-hour Survival Kit
- What more you need for 10-14 days to Shelter In Place.
- The Commuter Car bag, particularly for women.
- Security suggestions for the student heading off to college.
- What to take from the office when you evacuate.
- What goes into a proper first aid kit.
- The pet emergency and evacuation kit.
Lists of meeting agenda ideas for group leaders.
If you are looking for ideas for a meeting agenda, just grab one of the Advisories above and use it to stage a “show and tell.” You can bring your own kit and get group members to bring theirs. Always a success!
And don’t forget, we’ve gathered up a collection of something like 50 meeting agenda ideas pulled from all the meetings we’ve held over the years. Here’s the link to the page where you can download them immediately. (And yes, we do charge a little for the books. It helps us continue to buy and share emergency items with our team!)
Three more lists, specifically for Neighborhood Teams’ “Block Captains.”
No matter how your neighborhood group is set up, at the very ground level you’ll have a number of people who have agreed to get to know their “block” of neighbors (a block could be a building, a floor, a department, or actually a block), to check in with them in an emergency, and report on their condition to the designated leader.
We find that Block Captains are the heart of our neighborhood group, so we encourage their active participation by making sure they get their own specialized resources.
1-Block Captain Supplies for CERT graduates
Have you taken the formal CERT training? If so, then you already have received a first set of supplies. For example, our local CERT graduates come away with:
- A vest with reflective stripes
- Duffle bag
- Helmet
- Flashlight
- Safety goggles
- Dust mask
- Gloves
(Other CERT programs supply their members with different items. The list above is from our local program, only. actually offers a variety of CERT kits starting at around $50 and going up from there. Take a look at all the gear included in these kits to see what you might want to include in yours.)
By the time the class is over, most of our CERT members have added to their bags – first aid items, a few tools, duct and making tape, pens and tablets to write on, headlamps, etc. The duffle bag can get very heavy very quickly; most people keep them in their cars.
2-Block Captain Under-the-Bed Kit
As far as local Block Captain duties are concerned, we have been able to outfit our captains – whether or not they are CERT graduates – with just a few essential items:
- A reflective vest
- Walkie-talkie and extra batteries
- Clipboard, tablet and pen for taking notes
- Flashlight
- Whistle
- A reminder checklist of what to do in an emergency
You can get a Block Captain outfitted with the above items for less than $30. (Most expensive item is the Walkie-talkie/hand-held radio at around $15.) Buying items in bulk can reduce that cost.
And we truly call this the “under the bed” kit. (As I’ve mentioned before, we recommend that all our Block Captains also store shoes under the bed. If something happens, we want to be able to jump into action – safely!)
3-Block Captain Step-by-Step Checklist
Our NERT volunteers carry a quick reminder checklist of their primary duty when the community is hit by an emergency. It’s a card similar to the one to the left.
As you can see, this card assumes that the community has already been organized into Divisions; everyone has a walkie-talkie and understands the way channels have been assigned. Your own checklist needs to reflect the vocabulary and set-up of your organization.
In any case, the list needs to be SIMPLE and HANDY. You might consider laminating it to give it a bit more heft.
When we bring a new member aboard, we present him/her with some items at the orientation, and then present the rest when the new Block Captain is introduced to the group. People like to be recognized – and this is an important role they are going to be playing!
And we find that getting free “gear” encourages other people to join in.
What lists or checklists have you found to be helpful as you manage your own preparedness? And do you have suggestions for helping a group get formed and stay interested? Pass ’em along!
Your Emergency Plan Guide team